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Weaver's Route by Melynda Caston. $2.99 from
After a series of bad marriage arrangements, Samantha Devanger heads into the world with a letter to study the Great Weave of the Universe, only to cross paths with the mysterious and powerful Elder Lycenean. Her world, her beliefs, are shattered when an ancient prophecy names her as the savior of their world.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Angel page 5

Chapter 2 

Weeks had gone by and Amy hadn’t been back to the manor house. However, there was going to be an event the next night. Her three cousins, whom everyone called the Sisters, were very, very excited about it, which meant they were extra mean to Amy.
            “Hey, Dungheap-girl,” the eldest yelled at Amy and grabbed a riding crop, “where's my brush?” She waved the crop like a weapon, her medium dark blond hair slightly disheveled. All of the children of the Matron were born with blond hair with a trace of dark, which turned darker as they matured. She often rambled on about dying her hair black, but that color was reserved by her mother, and she would never dare to go directly against her mother’s decree.
            With several mighty swings she beat Amy across the back until the youngest Sister displayed the brush for her. The youngest daughter of the Matron had a rounder face and her hair had stayed mostly blond. Within her she harbored a kind soul which had slowly been burnt on the outside by the incessant, searing flames of her older siblings. The Eldest laughed, grabbed her youngest sibling by the arm and threw her at Amy, sending the girl hurling uncontrolled across the floor. But Angelina caught her before she was about to hit her head on the floor. The eldest Sister laughed again and began to beat them both.
            Taking advantage of a long backswing the youngest sister scooted off and the Eldest ceased her attacks and walked away, sitting down to play in her powders on dressing table.
            Amy got up slowly, and Angelina ached from the beating. She did her best to keep Amy from being hurt or feeling hurt. Amy quietly fetched the water bowl for the youngest sister, who was bleeding from several gashes on her arm. Amy was very scared of blood but she was more scared of being beaten again.

1 comment:

  1. This is the start of chapter 2. I'm posting this 3rd draft of this story and will continue to post it page by page. I welcome any comments as I edit and revise. I hope to published the finished project soon after it is presented here.
